In this captivating episode of "Decoding The Bible," we take a closer look at the story of Abraham's journey and how it reflects our own inner journey towards spiritual enlightenment. We explore the many layers of meaning within this ancient tale, revealing how it offers a roadmap for our own spiritual growth and transformation. From Abraham's initial call to adventure to his ultimate realization of the divine within himself, we see how his story reflects the universal human journey towards self-discovery and spiritual awakening.
Additionally, we take a deeper look at the words "Husband and Wife," decoding their true spiritual meaning and how they relate to the journey of the soul. If you've ever struggled to understand the deeper meanings of the Bible, this episode is for you. So join us as we explore the powerful symbolism and hidden truths within the story of Abraham's journey, and discover how it can illuminate your own inner journey towards spiritual fulfillment.
Up Next in Season One
EP 5 - Jacob's Ladder
In this episode of "Decoding The Bible," we take a deep dive into the powerful metaphor of Jacob's Ladder. Join us as we explore how this ancient tale of Jacob's visionary dream can be understood as a powerful symbol for our own spiritual growth and evolution. Drawing on metaphysical traditions f...
EP 6 - Noah's Ark pt.1
In the first episode of "Decoding The Bible's" three-part series on Noah's Ark, we delve into the spiritual symbolism of this ancient tale. Join Joanna Crowder, Ph.D as she guides you through the metaphorical journey of Noah and his ark, exploring how this story represents the evolution of consci...
EP 7 - Noah's Ark pt.2
In the second installment of "Decoding The Bible's" three-part series on Noah's Ark, Joanna Crowder, Ph.D., a renowned metaphysical practitioner, explores the powerful role of numerology in unlocking the hidden meanings of this ancient tale. Join us as we delve into the mystical significance of t...