In the second installment of "Decoding The Bible's" three-part series on Noah's Ark, Joanna Crowder, Ph.D., a renowned metaphysical practitioner, explores the powerful role of numerology in unlocking the hidden meanings of this ancient tale. Join us as we delve into the mystical significance of the numbers and patterns found throughout the story of Noah's Ark, discovering how they can help us to understand the deeper spiritual truths at play. With Dr. Crowder's expert guidance, we'll learn how the numbers of the Bible carry a special significance and how they relate to the journey of the soul.
Whether you're a longtime student of metaphysics or a newcomer to this ancient tradition, this episode of "Decoding The Bible" is not to be missed.
Up Next in Season One
EP 8 - Noah's Ark pt.3
In the final installment of "Decoding The Bible's" three-part series on Noah's Ark, Joanna Crowder, Ph.D ties together the spiritual insights explored throughout the series. Join us as we explore the powerful symbolism of the flood and the purification of the mind through truth or water. Dr. Crow...