The True Meaning of Sex
Keith Crowder - Fitness Guru
We begin by examining the true meaning of sex and its potential as a sacred energy exchange, highlighting the transformative power of sexual energy when harnessed in a conscious and intentional way. We then explore the difference between white and black tantra, discussing the importance of cultivating a respectful and non-exploitative approach to sexual practices.
As we delve deeper, we also discuss the process of raising the chrism, a spiritual practice that involves raising the Kundalini energy through the spine and into the brain. We examine the potential benefits of this practice, including increased awareness, heightened intuition, and expanded consciousness.
Throughout the episode, we encourage listeners to approach sex with a sense of reverence and respect, recognizing its potential as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. We advocate for a deeper understanding of the energetic and spiritual dimensions of sex, one that recognizes the transformative power of sexual energy when used in a conscious and intentional way.
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