Grief During the Holidays
Jazmine The Medium
This episode of Live, Laugh, UH WTF, with your host and best friend Jazmine The Medium, is talking all about grief and the holidays. Grieving isn't just limited to the holidays but there is no doubt the holidays bring up even more emotions than the rest of the year. Jazmine talks about going through grief, as well as some tips and tricks for you to maneuver through grief during the holidays.
Up Next in Jazmine The Medium
12/19 - What 2022 has in store for you
This week's Pick-A-Card with your bestie Jazmine The Medium is all about what 2022 has in store for you! Choose the deck you are most drawn to, no second guessing! It is a great opportunity to build trust with your intuition as well!
12/12 - This year's lessons, manifest...
Pick the card that you're drawn to and watch Jazmine The Medium tap into her psychic abilities to provide guidance and light. This week is all about what lessons may have come this year for you, how it manifested and where it is going to take you! Comment below for any suggestions you'd like Jazm...
12/5 - What does December look like f...
Pick the card that you're drawn to and watch Jazmine The Medium tap into her psychic abilities to provide guidance and light. This week is all about what December will look like for you! Comment below for any suggestions you'd like Jazmine to pull cards over or if you resonated with what she said...