A Healer's Journey is a captivating documentary that explores the life of renowned energy healer Rosalyn Santos and her path to self-discovery and empowerment. Through intimate interviews, viewers will witness Rosalyn's inspiring journey of overcoming religious trauma and oppression that she faced growing up in a Jehovah Witness cult. Despite facing opposition, challenges and ultimately religious trauma, Rosalyn never gave up on her dream of true freedom. With inspiring insights and a message of hope, A Healer's Journey is a must-see for anyone seeking to understand the power of the human spirit and the transformative power of healing.
Up Next in Rosalyn Santos - Energy Healer
Expectations of a Healer [Part One]
Rosalyn discusses expectations that clients have of healers and how to view them. She also discusses why she does consults with potential clients and what that looks like.
Manifestation vs. Effort [Part Two]
Rosalyn goes into the differences between manifestation and effort. What does "effortless" mean? She also breaks down what makes the biggest difference when attempting to manifest something.