Rosalyn discusses the energy of relationships and how to work with your triggers. She breaks down the micro steps and her own personal example of how she does it for herself and her clients. This is a comprehensive energy clearing, as she also clears the relationship space between you and another person! Shift the energy of your interactions into one of appreciation and connectedness.This is a very special episode, dedicated to Rosalyn's second teacher.
Up Next in Rosalyn Santos - Energy Healer
Energetic Boundaries
Having boundaries is essential to managing and mastering your energy. Have you ever wondered what your boundaries actually do? Do you know what are the main issues people have with their boundaries? Have you ever sensed your boundaries? This episode answers these questions followed by a comprehen...
Past Life Regression
Join AKASHA FLIX creators Rosalyn Santos (energy healer), R.L. Malpica (conscious content creator) and Lorelei (intuitive empath) for a deep discussion on past life regression, AKASHA FLIX content and viewer Q&A! Let's heal and grow together... #HealingAF
Clearing Negative Energies
Join renowned energy healer Rosalyn Santos as she delves into the sources of negative energies and provides empowering energetic perspectives to help you clear them in this transformative episode. Experience a comprehensive energy clearing guided by Rosalyn, which you can repeat as often as neede...