A Healer's Journey is a captivating documentary that explores the life of renowned energy healer Rosalyn Santos and her path to self-discovery and empowerment. Through intimate interviews, viewers will witness Rosalyn's inspiring journey of overcoming religious trauma and oppression that she faced growing up in a Jehovah Witness cult. Despite facing opposition, challenges and ultimately religious trauma, Rosalyn never gave up on her dream of true freedom. With inspiring insights and a message of hope, A Healer's Journey is a must-see for anyone seeking to understand the power of the human spirit and the transformative power of healing.
Up Next in R.L. Malpica - Philosopher
How do we Change the System?
How do we break systemic restraints? Can we create our own reality? How do we change the system and also change ourselves in the process? Activist, coach and founder of Public Love Enterprises Laura Hartley joins the podcast to have a deep discussion the reality of the world, our true power and t...
Deprogramming Yourself
How do you break years of conditioning? Years of brainwashing? Years of programming? Is it possible to remove decades of misinformation and indoctrination from your memory? On this introductory episode, R.L. Malpica gives an in-depth overview of his first pillar of enlightenment.
The oldest and most powerful form of conditioning is religion. It’s the ultimate tool to control. By using a higher being or beings as the foundation of law mixed with the the power of fear, religion has and continues to literally control the lives of billions. R.L. explains how religion has affe...