Welcome to Pick-A-Card with Jazmine The Medium! We'll be exploring the energies of May and what this month has in store for us. As always, simply choose the deck that you feel most drawn to and listen to the message it has for you.
DECK ONE -- 01:13
DECK TWO -- 06:21
DECK THREE -- 12:12
No matter which card you choose, remember to trust your intuition and listen to the messages that resonate with you. May is a powerful month filled with potential, so stay open to new experiences and opportunities!
Up Next in Pick-A-Card Readings
A Message from the Universe
For March, Jazmine The Medium draws angel cards with the guidance of her spirit team to talk about what the universe NEEDS you to hear. Sometimes, a message from above can help keep you focused on the bigger picture.
Pick A Card is a great time to connect to your intuition but also to trust it ...
Love & Relationships
For February, Jazmine The Medium draws angel cards with the guidance of her spirit team to talk about what lessons YOU will be learning through love/relationships in the year 2023. Relationships are mirrors to our soul and some of our greatest lessons will come from the people closest to us.
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