Producer Darko Josipovic joins the Minds Like Mine's crew to discuss the correlation between mental health and energy. Darko shares some of his darkest days and struggles with mental health, including the effects of his journey to America.
Up Next in The Lounge
Religion vs. Spirituality
Saunjuli Delao shares her journey from an aspiring ballet dance to her deep rooted faith as an Israelite. Her passion for her religion conjures up a very captivating conversation with R.L and Chef Definition regarding the differences between religion and spirituality.
Dave Chappelle vs. LGBTQ vs. Racism
Dave Chappelle pissed alotta people off in his latest stand-up comedy special "The Closer". Should he be cancelled? Does the LGBTQ community have ground to stand on? Should the plight of the LGBTQ community be compared to racism in America? Do comedians have free rein when it comes to sensitive s...
Are you living the life you wanna live?
Are you living the life you’ve always wanted to live? Are you the person you wanna be? It’s time to look in the mirror and do an audit on yourself. Listen in as we talk about what it takes to love the life you live and overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of you becoming your authenti...