8/19 What energy do people feel from you?
Jazmine The Medium Collection
How are you perceived? What's your energy when you walk into a room? Jazmine taps into the spiritual realm to give you an outside perspective on what people feel from you. Pick the card that you're drawn to, trust it and share it in the comment section!
DECK 1 - 1:08
DECK 2 - 8:32
DECK 3 - 16:23
Up Next in Jazmine The Medium Collection
1/23 - Signs, Guidance and How YOU ne...
Are you looking for a sign or some guidance? Maybe you have a big decision looming? Or an opportunity you need more clarity on? This week, Jazmine The medium asks the Universe how YOU need to be showing up for yourself! Pick-A-Card and trust your intuition
5/13 - Clarity on Everything
In this week;s PICK-A-CARD tarot reading, Jazmine The Medium gets all the information to provide clarity on everything from:
-What are your emotions trying to tell you?
-How are you getting in your own way?
-What action steps do you need to take?
-What is your message about it?When we trust in ...
12/26 - Letting go of energy to open ...
In this week's Pick A Card with Jazmine The Medium, she focuses on what energy we need to let go of in order to open doors to abundance and alignment. Pick a crystal or deck that you are most drawn to but no second guessing! This is a great time to practice connecting and trusting your own intuit...