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Watch this video and more on Akasha Flix

Minds Like Mine's Podcast

Vince Kramer | Conscious Channeler

Season 3, Episode 71 • 1h 7m

Up Next in Season Three

  • The "EX" Factor

    Why do we end up getting back with our exes? What makes relationships so difficult? Why do we purposely ignore red flags? Listen in as we share our personal experiences with love, break-ups, make-ups and toxic relationships.

  • The True Cause of Disease

    Terrain model expert Lauren Whiteman joins the show to discuss the true cause of disease, our natural physiological diet and why germ theory is wrong. The Terrain Model is a disease model which states that the state of the Terrain (the internal conditions of the body) is the cause of dis-ease wit...

  • Thin Line Between Love & Hate

    As we continue to dive deep into love & relationships, R.L. and Chef Definition dissect the thin line between love and hate. What makes us hold resentment and hate towards those that have wronged us in the past? How do we overcome it? When does apathy set in?