Have you ever experienced the presence of a ghost? Do you have loved ones who've recently transitioned? Our guest, Tina Erwin is a passionate Ghost Helper. Her mission is to teach the living how to help the dead. She wants to empower everyone to help any ghost they may find. Tina says that this is the compassion we will all want for ourselves.
Tina has studied metaphysics all of her life, gaining insight into yhe mystical world of magic and spirituality. She is the author of eight books on metaphysics. Her writing comes from an intense desire to know and understand the hard science behind the unseen world of action and reaction combined with a sincere desire to share this understanding with other knowledge seekers.
For more information about Tina, her services and her books, go to https://ghosthelpers.com/
Up Next in Chef Definition
2 Sides of Racism Pt.1
Do we use the word "racist" too loosely nowadays? What does being racist truly mean? Does using a racial slur necessarily mean you're a racist? Saunjuli Delao joins the show and gets into a highly emotional and passionate conversation about race. Enjoy!
2 Sides of Racism Pt. 2
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Old Hip Hop Headz
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