A Healer's Journey
A Healer's Journey is a captivating documentary that explores the life of renowned energy healer Rosalyn Santos and her path to self-discovery and empowerment. Through intimate interviews, viewers will witness Rosalyn's inspiring journey of overcoming religious trauma and oppression that she faced growing up in a Jehovah Witness cult. Despite facing opposition, challenges and ultimately religious trauma, Rosalyn never gave up on her dream of true freedom. With inspiring insights and a message of hope, A Healer's Journey is a must-see for anyone seeking to understand the power of the human spirit and the transformative power of healing.
A Healer's Journey - Part One
A Healer's Journey is a captivating documentary that explores the life of renowned energy healer Rosalyn Santos and her path to self-discovery and empowerment. Through intimate interviews, viewers will witness Rosalyn's inspiring journey of overcoming religious trauma and oppression that she face...